Hospital Chaplaincy
If you are going to hospital:
Hospital chaplains are no longer routinely informed about Catholic patients in hospital. If you wish to see the Catholic chaplain, you should ask a member of staff to have the priest informed that you would like a visit. You may also wish to print out and give to ward staff the following text which is recommended by the Scottish bishops as it ensures your legal rights.
Patient's Religious Declaration
I am a Roman Catholic.
While a patient in hospital, I wish to exercise my human right, as enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights, of practicing my Religion.
I request that the Roman Catholic Chaplain be informed of my admission to hospital, and that I receive a visit from the Roman Catholic Chaplain.
I give explicit consent for this information to be made available to the Roman Catholic Chaplain and I would request that this document form part of my personal case notes.
While a patient in hospital, I wish to exercise my human right, as enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights, of practicing my Religion.
I request that the Roman Catholic Chaplain be informed of my admission to hospital, and that I receive a visit from the Roman Catholic Chaplain.
I give explicit consent for this information to be made available to the Roman Catholic Chaplain and I would request that this document form part of my personal case notes.